Ace Academy

Why be average when you can be ACE ?


100% achieved their qualification with 80% of unemployed individuals progressing into employment / further education in 2020/21.

Ace Academy

Why be average when you can be ACE ?

98.6% achieved their qualification against a national achievement rate of 84.2% and 79% of unemployed individuals progressed into employment / further education in 2022/23.

About ACE Academy

A state of the art training academy offering training in engineering specifically designed by industry experts for the training of industry skills which are required by local engineering companies.

Who is Ace Academy for?

This programme is designed for unemployed individuals aged 19+ looking for a career in Engineering. Local employers who are looking to develop and upskill their existing workforce.

Who is Ace Academy for?

This programme is designed for unemployed individuals aged 19+ looking for a career in Engineering. Local employers who are looking to develop and upskill their existing workforce.

What Qualifications do I get?

All our qualifications are recognised by both the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and the engineering authority framework, designed by industry, and vary from level 1 up to level 3, which are delivered by qualified industry specialists. All individuals gain real practical experience and benefit from the knowledge and training received in the areas that employers value.


Following your time at the Ace Academy, we aim to support you back into employment. We work with many local engineering companies and agencies who support the Ace Academy.

What Qualifications do I get?

All our qualifications are recognised by both the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and the engineering authority framework, designed by industry, and vary from level 1 up to level 3, which are delivered by qualified industry specialists. All individuals gain real practical experience and benefit from the knowledge and training received in the areas that employers value.


Following your time with the Ace Academy, our aim is to support you back in to employment. We work with many local engineering companies and agencies in order to do this.

Case Study

Get in touch

    Have you been a resident in the UK for more than 3 years? *