About NSEG

About NSEG

About North Staffordshire Engineering Group Training Association (NSEG)

Formed in 1966 North Staffordshire Engineering Group Training Association Ltd have a strong track record of working with local engineering companies for over fifty years. The largest dedicated engineering training organisation in Stoke on Trent we pride ourselves on our unique historical links with the local engineering sector.

NSEG’s structure means it has members who are engineering companies based in the Staffordshire and surrounding areas and is governed by those same companies via a board of trustees overseeing the charitable objectives of the group and its ‘not for profit’ approach.

The groups high quality training and excellent performance against national statistics shows us to be a safe and credible option as your apprenticeship training provider.

With our wealth of knowledge and experience we are the right choice for both employers, and those looking for an apprenticeship.


Engineering and Marine Training Authority (EMTA)

Group Training Associations England (GTA England)

North Staffs Health & Safety Group

Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce

Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH)

The Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

NSEG’s mission and vision statements are simple

NSEG vision
‘Is to be recognised by our stakeholders as the most successful, respected independent training provider of engineering apprenticeship training in North Staffordshire and the wider region’

Mission Statement:
‘To secure the future of local engineering through the development of youth, and making it accessible to all’

Get in touch

    Have you been a resident in the UK for more than 3 years? *